to help you shine your light.
Arm yourself with knowledge and join us in the FIGHT to eradicate human trafficking.
Books for Adults
Renting Lacy
A Story of America’s Prostituted Children (A Call to Action)
Linda Smith & Cindy Coloma
Books for Teens
7 Secrets Guys Will NEver Tell You
A sneak peek inside the mind of the average teen guy.
Jackie Brewton
The Truth About Sex
Real-life case studies of teen guys and their decisions about sex.
Jackie Brewton
Books for Kids
God Made All of Me
A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies (God Made Me)
Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
Trish Mahoney
Noah's New Phone
A Story About Using Technology for Good: Educate and Empower Kids
Dina Alexander
Jera Mehrdad
Bark is a parental control app that helps keep kids safer online. Bark monitors devices, social media, texts, emails, and much more.
Circle is the easiest parental control device and app to manage screen time across all your family’s connected devices. Keep kids safe online: block inappropriate content and set online time limits.

FIght the New Drug
We create educational resources that raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn and exploitation.

filter your devices
Click below for instructions on how to enable device filters (parental controls) on your iPhone or Android device.
Parent Guide to Understanding Sexting
Get the facts about sexting and the warning signs you should look for on your teen’s phone.
Path to Danger Card
Learn about how traffickers use grooming to deceive you into the life of human trafficking.
medical poster: self-identify abuse
Medical professionals– post this in your restrooms where patients leave urine samples and include stickers that can be placed on the bottom of their urine sample cup for potential victims to self-identify to receive help!
TIP: Go ahead and remove several stickers from the sticker sheet so that patients do not feel as though they are the first person to self-identify!
Trafficking in Persons Report July 2022
This year’s Trafficking in Persons Report illuminates
the impact of human trafficking on our global community.
Factsheet - Cyber Sexual Harassment Bill H4563
This bill protect against the online sharing of private images.
Factsheet - Device Filter Bill H4535
This legislation protects children from harmful images online.
Check out the resources below for pornography/sexual addiction and recovery, to help equip you to withstand temptation as well as find freedom from compulsive sexual behavior.
Fight the New drug
We create educational resources that raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn and exploitation.
XXX Church
Online resources, support, and community for those struggling with porn addiction and sexual integrity. Find freedom today!
Covenant Eyes
What people do online impacts their lives offline. Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability.
Stand In Victory
A simple, gospel-centered program for breaking the bondage of pornography.

SC Human Trafficking Task Force
Lighthouse for Life works closely with the Human Trafficking Task Force of the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office. South Carolina statistics on Human Trafficking come directly from this annual report.